Mancino Secco Vermouth 18% 750ml
Mancino Secco Vermouth is a creation of world-renowned bartender Giancarlo Mancino. Made on a private estate noted for producing wine and vermouth since 1957, a base of trebbiano wine and sugar beet spirit is infused with 19 different botanicals before being filtered, chilled and rested before bottling. Secco is an herbaceous, bitter and dry vermouth that is perfect in a Martini or Bronx Cocktail.
It has an intense aroma of Mediterranean herbs, sage, marjoram and oregano with delicate hints of lemongrass, dog rose, iris, nutmeg and a citrusy finish. Slightly bitter, fresh and extra dry.
93 Points – Wine Enthusiast – 2019
4 Stars – Difford’s Guide – 2013
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