Glendalough 7YO Irish Whiskey 46% 750ml
The Glendalough Distillery was founded by a group of friends from Wicklow and Dublin with a passion for reviving the heritage of craft distilling in Ireland. Inspired by the story of St Kevin who left abandoned safety and comfort to follow his passion to create something more meaningful in the mountains, the friends convinced each other to leave the safety of their day jobs, head into the mountains and take a chance to create something beautiful.
The distillery was built near their favourite spot in Glendalough. Glendalough or the Glen of two lakes is one of the most beautiful, and visited valleys in Ireland.
The Glendalough 7-Year-Old single malt whiskey was made with roasted chocolate barley, it amplifies the malt notes while layering on rich, dark flavours. Then the whiskey was finished in the barrels that had previously held the Black Pitts porter. This brings the whiskey to incredible depths.
The whiskey was inspired by the 7 hard years that St Kevin spent in the wild and the "city of 7 churches" he came to build at Glendalough. Have a look on the bottle, you’ll see 7 silver crosses. These will lead you to each of the 7 churches, should you ever be stirred into going to Glendalough.
Nose: Sweet with toffee apples, dark chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
Taste: Smooth and warm with mandarin orange, cocoa, toffee and cooked fruit, followed by clove and peppery spices.
Finish: Long and spicy with toasted oak, treacle and brown-sugared coffee notes.
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