McGuigan Zero Non Alcoholic Shiraz 0% 750ml
With our dedicated winemakers overseeing our Alcohol-Free Wine program, we have had 15+ years’ experience in Low/No alcohol wine production. Making alcohol-free wine starts with our winemakers crafting the correct style and quality of wine required to produce the best alcohol-free wine possible.
Post fermentation, we use the latest spinning cone technology, working at low temperatures to gently remove the alcohol, ensuring the wines maintain their delicate fruit flavours. Our wines are all grape-derived, with no artificial sweeteners or additives used in the process ensuring our alcohol-free wine is of the highest quality possible.
Tasting Notes
Subtle spice and vanilla notes complemented by plum and forest berry aromas.
This Shiraz has a good length of flavour with sweet blackcurrants and a balanced finish.
Brand: McGuigan
Country: Australia
Region: South Australia
Varietal: Non Alcoholic Wine
Style: Non-Alcoholic Wine
Container Type: Bottle
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