Athru Small Batch Release #1 Irish Whiskey 46% 700ml
Athru Small Batch Release 1 Irish Whiskey is a premium whiskey produced in Ireland It is a blend of various Irish whiskeys that have been aged in a combination of ex bourbon and ex sherry casks This whiskey has a rich and complex flavor profile with notes of vanilla honey dried fruits and oak spice It has a smooth and creamy texture with a long satisfying finish The alcohol by volume ABV of Athru Small Batch Release 1 Irish Whiskey is typically around 46 or 92 proof This is a relatively high ABV compared to some other Irish whiskeys which usually have an ABV of around 40 The higher ABV gives Athru Small Batch Release 1 Irish Whiskey a more intense flavor and a warming sensation on the palate.
Brand: Athru
Country: Ireland
Varietal: Whiskey
Style: Blended Malt
Container Type: Bottle
ABV %: 46
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